

Parole, Bookstore Orcs, and Ghostships

To start November, we are considering some new releases: a cozy fantasy sequel, an expose into the parole system, and a pile of the week toward the future.


Both these books come out Tuesday, November 7th, 2023. Thanks, MacMillian and NetGalley, for providing a free copy in exchange for a review.

Correction: Parole, Prison, and the Possibility of Change
By Ben Austen
MacMillan, 2023

A harrowing read. Austen’s book considers the parole system alongside the growth of the American prison industrial complex from the 1970s until the 2010s. As more states built prisons, they stopped offering those convicted of parole and granted far fewer releases. The author profiles Johnny Veal, a prisoner sentenced to 100–199 years for allegedly killing a Chicago police officer with a rifle, a notorious police death in 1970. The book exposes discrepancies in Veal’s case, making it seem quite likely he was framed and had nothing to do with the murder. Also profiled is Michael, a man who gets parole and reintegrates into society. The author concludes with a passionate plea for the re-enstatement of parole hearings to allow for a space where prisoners can advocate for themselves.

Correction: Parole, Prison, and the Possibility of Change — Credit: MacMillan

Bookshops & Bonedust
By Travis Baldree
MacMillan 2023

I love Viv the Cozy Orc Barbarian! She’s a lovable lesbian who’s prickly on the outside but loyal and loving when you get to know her. I loved her debut in 2021’s Legends & Lattes and couldn’t wait for Baldree’s prequel. It delivers! Set long before Viv started her coffee shop. She’s a daring adventurer fighting a necromancer. After an injury, she rests in a town with a cozy bookstore owned by a ratkin and her little griffin doggy (from the cover). Viv can’t just sit around and do nothing! To keep occupied, she fixes up the bookshop, solves necromancer mysteries, and falls in love! Romance prequels are fun to see loves that could have been. I also love the titular bone dust character introduced halfway through. I’ll write more about this one, but no spoilers just yet! If you think you’d like a cozy fantasy, try this!

Bookshops & Bonedust — Credit: MacMillan


Dead Seas
By Cavan Scott (writer) and Nick Brokenshire (artist)
IDW Comics, 2023

Pages, a panel and the cover of Dead Seas — Credit: IDW

Prisoners on a floating ghost ship! Dead Seas reminded me of a grimy 1980s exploitation movie. It’s as if Ghostbusters and Con Air teamed up to invade Speed 2.

Page from Dead Seas — Credit: IDW

The prisoners wander the ship and try to collect ectoplasm for pharmaceutical companies, and I love how the ghosts and monsters look in this book (see below). Nick Brookshire’s illustrators are incredible, taking full advantage of the ship and spectral moods, and there’s more on his website.

Page from Dead Seas — Credit: IDW

The story really kicks in halfway through with monsters and big boat action, taking full advantage of the ocean setting. Fun stuff!

Panel from Dead Seas — Credit: IDW

I really enjoyed this. Thank you, IDW and Netgalley, for the review copy.

Pile of the Week

Lord help me, I’m back on Ebay. I meant to sell a box of books but bought more: some hardcovers, two little paperbacks, and a Superman comic. Now, I can procrastinate on selling the other ones by reading these!

What did you read this week? What’s on your piles?

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