Every Saw Movie Ranked Best to Worst
Us Saw sickos want to think about all ten Saw movies! This list ranks the franchise from best to worst. Would you like to play a game? I created a Saw Score Card to grade each film on six criteria. I think the best Saws have creepy traps, gory kills, soap opera plots, a baffling twist at the end, cast recognizable celebrities to endure torture, and all…
GME, Dumb Money, And The Revolution That Wasn’t
Considering two books about the GME short squeeze A star-studded Hollywood biopic put the Gamestop Stock Short Squeeze back in the news. Two books were published about Gamestop mania, so I read both books, and this post considers their viewpoint, accuracy, and historical rigor. Can we finally evaluate the 2021 Stonks Squeeze? P.S. This book review is financial advice.…
Completely Change YOUR Life And Pockets With A Cross-Body Bag, AKA Man Bag, AKA Purse
I offer men an astonishing life hack for men. Try wearing a cross-body bag.
Graphic Annotations of China Miéville’s The Last Days of New Paris
The Last Days of New Paris is China Miéville’s novella about a surrealist Paris magically overlapping with our realist Paris. At the back of the book, Miéville offers endnote citations of the surrealist art that inspired his writing. I corralled all the art in this post.